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Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Okami Legacy is DEAD.

Hey, everyone. Bad news ...

It's breaking my heart, but the Okami Legacy is forever gone.

I sent Ammy and Haruki to China to get some stuff that would help with the story. Only, Haruki disappeared. I double-clicked to find out where he was, but he seemed to be in the ground. I tried resetsim, boolprop, teleport, I even tried to send them back home, EVERYTHING. Since Ammy can't leave without Haruki, they're forever stuck in China.

I have absolutely NO back-ups of the game, no copies of the family, zip. And now I'm starting to regret it.

I'm REALLY sorry that the story will forever be incomplete. I apologize to those of you who were looking forward to more of the Okamis. And I thank to each one of you that have stuck with us until the very end.

I won't be deleting this file so if somehow, I know how to fix this problem, I can come back and maybe even continue to update. But for now, goodbye forever.

I'm not sure what I'll be doing now, maybe I'll wait to nurse my wounds, maybe I'll start up another legacy or a 100 baby challenge (I've tried before, but stopped because it wasn't so popular. Maybe I'll try again).

Again, I'm so sorry. Goodbye, Okamis, you'll be deeply missed.


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