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Friday, June 3, 2011

The Okami Legacy 1.4 - "An Affair & A Friend"

The Okami Legacy 1.4 - "An Affair & A Friend"

Boyd was an excellent father, since he had some experience with parenting. He did not get too frustrated when the babies would not stop crying and almost always seemed to help Amaterasu out.

"Yuck!" Ammy made a digusted face as she cleaned the bad food out of the fridge. She liked sushi, sure, but not month-old sushi.

Ammy tended to the twins. She gave up on trying to tell them apart a long time ago.

Getting up for the morning at the same time. Soulmates really did do everything together.

"Say soda. Soooo-daaaaa ..." Boyd said slowly. Alas, "soda" became Haruki's first word.

Boyd kept continuing to paint and his paintings were actually starting to look a little good.

He suddenly put the brush down and wiped the paint off his pants when it was time for him to spin into elderhood.

Boyd as an elder. I didn't want him looking like, 30 at 60, so instead of dying his hair all the way, I gave him blonde highlights that is similar to the hair color he had before.

However, as they say, age is but a number. Boyd still cared for his little girls.

He could tell them apart without a moment's hesitation.

When Boyd however wasn't around, the baby took care of the babies.

Boyd loved Haruki as much as he did his other two girls. It didn't matter that they weren't biologically related. "Your real family are the ones who love you and take care of you, not the ones related to you by blood." Boyd told these wise words to Amaterasu and Haruki.

An explosion had happened at work, and Amaterasu came home singed. Poor girl!

The garden continued to grow and was producing a steady supply of greens.

Birthday time for the first set of Okami twins!

Aiko Okami the love child grew up to look just like her daddy. She had his hair, eyes and most of his facial features. Aiko however, had Ammy's lips.

Hotaru Okami had Amaterasu's hair, but Boyd's eyes. She wore a bug on her shirt to fit her name meaning, "firefly."

Aiko loved playing with blocks. She had a smile on her face whenever she played with them, and alas, became a smart kid.

"Call me pretty! Preeeet-ty," sang Ammy as she teased Aiko by ticking her when she didn't say the word.

The Okami parents were determined to teach their children the skills they would need for later life. Walking was difficult, but beneficial.

"Yea! You nailed it!" Boyd beamed when he saw that it didn't take long for Hotaru to understand walking.

With three toddlers in tow, sleep was relieving at the end of the day when screaming and crying for attention was no longer. Amaterasu climbed thankfully into bed.

Aiko however decided to stay up and have a little midnight snack.

"My little girl! It's nighttime! If you go to sleep late at night, you'll be tired in the morning!" Boyd playfully warned, pecking Aiko's forehead.

The toddlers were getting harder and harder to take care of, and because of that, Boyd made a decision. He called work, and said two simple words ...

"I'm retiring." Confetti began to fall around Boyd and he clapped as he enjoyed his elderness.

He didn't recieve much, only $120 per day in pension checks, but it was enough for him, and besides Ammy was going to skyrocket with her job. Her Gardening was really high. 

Now with no job, Boyd could do useful things around the house, like take out the trash or care after the children.

"Heehee ... you really are cute ..." Up until now, Amaterasu had been ignoring Haruki because he looked so much like Xander, the man who had betrayed her. But now she realized that she had to move on, she couldn't keep neglecting her child, her own flesh and blood, just because of some cliche love facade that happened so long ago that she should have gotten over now because she was married again!

A cute mother-and-daughter moment.

"Ack, so much yelling and crying and screaming! It's too much for my fragile ears." Boyd winced as his ears began to hurt because of the toddlers. But, Boyd forgave them. Seriously, how could you hate THAT face for much more than a minute?

"Grow-up time! Me be big boy!" Haruki was all ready to sprout into childhood.

"Whee! Heehee! Sparkles tickle me!" Haruki giggled as the sparkly birthday "attack" arrived.

Haruki as a Child. He was beginning to look even more like his father. He even developed one of his traits, "Party Animal," which really started to concern Am.

Haruki loved to play with his little step-sister Hotaru. Their favorite game was peek-a-boo.

She was surprised when he uncovered his face, making a different facial expression each time.

Look at the height difference between the two standing up!

Haruki was all about his big boy bed. It was the traditional red and white.

Sweet dreams, Haruki!

This storage room was created for old baby things. After this screenshot was taken, Haruki's old crib was placed in here for use in the future.

The next day was Monday, the first day of school for Haruki. He tried his best to look good.

He even waited outside the house for a while, trying to see if he could spot the bus down the block.

It was also Amaterasu's first day back from work after a looooong maternity leave. She was actually eager to begin working again, and wondered what progress had been made on the previous experiment during her leave.

Haruki was the first one on the bus. He chose a seat in the front.

He gaped at the size of his new school. It was huuuuge! How was he going to get to all his classes? Fighting back his jittery nerves, he entered the building.

Hotaru's first word which was "cell phone." I have to say, I'm impressed.

"Hmm ..." For his age, Haruki was a smart kid. "A little thinking, writing and curiousity, and this homework thing's a snap!" he said, flying through the homework like it was no problem.

"Son, to get through to your boss when you're older, you gotta make him feel sorry and beg. That'll give you plenty of raises."


"Oh, boyo, I'm just messin' around with ya. Homework is the secret to success. Do good in school, get good grades and you'll have a good job one day."

The Okamis have been able to afford a TV! Family TV time then became regular.

A family scene. Boyd and Amaterasu are all cuddled up, while Haruki is glued to the horror film on TV, not at all frightened by the disturbing images on the screen.

Sharing a kiss on the sofa.

Things got just a tad bit more heated.

It didn't stop there. The married couple retreated from the couch and began to kiss.

It was during this time that Amaterasu couldn't remember the last time they really got together, if ya know what I mean. This was what they needed and the time was perfect.

They continued to makeout really passionately.


Amaterasu leaned in and whispered into Boyd's ear: "Carry me to the bedroom."

She then leapt into his arms before he could say a word.

Carry her to the bed was exactly what Boyd did despite his growing weakness. Ammy clutched onto him tightly.

They got on the bed and began to makeout as they did on the couch.

Then they got under the covers and shared a night of magic together.

When it was over, they stared passionately into each other's eyes, blue into gold.

They were so drained afterward that they fell right asleep, cuddling against each other, dreaming about nothing but the other.

Haruki seemed to be befriending a lot of older women, which made Amaterasu a little concerned. "Relax, mum!" he had told her, "Molly used to be a Child, she grew up just today." Reluctantly Ammy allowed him to see his older friends.

Molly and Haruki really were good friends. Here they were sharing a hug.

The bond between husband and wife had grown bigger. Soon enough, Amaterasu and Boyd couldn't keep their hands off each other for very long. It was without a doubt, true love.

"My most beautiful painting of all time," Boyd said smugly as he finished the painting for Amaterasu's legacy portrait. It wasn't his best work - the painting was slightly blurred - but it was beautiful in his eyes, and everyone adored it.

Boyd walked outside. Someone had ordered a painting of his, hearing that his painting skill was skyrocketing. They had left their name anonymous, however. The client was awaiting outside the house, and Boyd looked at the person. He then came to an abrupt stop.

It was Susan Wainwright, Boyd's ex-wife. His blood ran cold. He had been determined to cut off all contact with her - he even changed his cell phone number so he'd never have to hear from her again. How did she find him? Boyd took a deep breath and approached her. She's only here for the painting. Nothing more. Boyd thought to himself to calm him down, though he knew deep in his gut that that wasn't the whole truth of it.

They shook hands; her hand was warm. "Nice to see you again, Boyd," said Susan, her eyes sparkling. She did look kind of pretty, thought Boyd, but he had an even more beautiful wife and kids, and no way was he going to risk all of that for a cheating ex-wife. Still ... he remembered the times they had together, their first kiss, first child ... they had done everything first together. He released the breath he didn't realize he had been holding, looked straight into her shining eyes, and spoke.

"I have the painting you ordered," said Boyd, as if he wasn't surprised to see her. He quickly handed her the boxed package, trying not to recall on the love they once shared.

"Ah, what a masterpiece! This will go right above my bedroom wall." Susan's voice then slowed down, and became ... seductive.

"You know what else I'd like in my bedroom?" she whispered, almost giddidly, while staring into Boyd's blue eyes dreamily, and he was actually luring him in, the same way Amatersasu had just the previous night ...

Amaterasu! Snapping out of it, he held up his hand. "Thanks for your business," he said, and began to walk away.

"Wha--" Before Boyd could speak, Susan tackled him and began to embrace him. Boyd desperately tried to pry her apart, but it was no use.

And then, before he could react and push away, she pulled him to her, their lips meeting in a kiss.

Amaterasu had been teaching Aiko how to walk. "Come here, my darling! I know you can do it!"

Surprisingly, Aiko nailed walking the first time! Amaterasu was so proud.

"That's my smart little girl!" Amaterasu laughed and cheered as she held her daughter up against the starry night sky.

"Huh? What's that noise?" Ammy had heard a weird noise and decided to check it out ...

... But instantly regretted the decision.

Her heart smashed into a million pieces as she watched this scene. Boyd and Susan were kissing ... "No ... no ..." Amaterasu's throat closed, her world stopped and began to crumble. "No ... please ... no ..." she kept saying, fighting back tears as she forced herself not to break down and just lose it completely.

"You ..." Amaterasu slowly pointed her finger at Boyd. "Y-you ... cheated ... on me ... w-with the woman ... who ... who ..." Ammy had to blink and swallow down back many tears. 

"Amaterasu! It's not what it looked -"

Amaterasu raised her arms. "NO! Why ... why ..." she gave up and broke down into tears.

"Am! Am, look at me." Boyd pulled Amaterasu close to him and forced her to look into his eyes. "Listen. I didn't cheat on you. I didn't want to. She ordered a painting, and when I gave it to her she ... she attacked me! And that's well ... when you came in." Boyd explaining and hoped that Amaterasu would believe him. He would have no reason to remain on this earth if they couldn't love again, if he couldn't see his daughters again.

"Amaterasu Okami," he whispered, "you, and you only, are the one and only woman that I could ever passionately love. You're my soulmate. If you left me ... I ... I don't know what I'd ever do." He whimpered the last part and put his hands in his face.

Amaterasu looked into his eyes. They were pleading and full of forlorn, but there was not one flicker of guilt or dishonesty burrowed within them. She really wanted to believe him, fall into his arms right then and there ...

"I ... I believe you ..." she said softly. Incredible relief washed over Boyd that left him slightly shaking. "Thank you ..." he said. They both realized that they had been unawaringly leaning toward each other with each word, with each breath.

Before they knew it, they were both locked in an embrace, gold eyes staring longingly into blue. "I love you ..." they both said simutaneously.

Scooped up into each other's arms, they both felt safe, secure. Nothing would ever break them ever again.

"Hun ..." Amaterasu began to cry, but they were tears of joy. Boyd, being the gentleman that he is, began to wipe the tears from her soft, delicate face.

Their bond grew stronger after that. From then on, the only thing that Boyd would paint would either be Amaterasu, or inspired by her.

"My beautiful wife! She'll love this painting! It will be a pleasant surprise for her when she returns from work," Boyd thought smiling.

"Aiko. Love child. You and your twin are both miracles that me and your mother created together." Boyd couldn't get Amaterasu off his mind.

Thank-you for reading The Okami Legacy! Feel free to comment on a post or in the Cbox, and join the mailing list located at the bottom of the site if you wish to recieve immediate updates to your email inbox. I hope you enjoyed this site! 1.5 is soon to arrive!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad Ammy decided to forgive Boyd.
Great update :)

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